Post-Stroke Care Guide For Patients & Caregivers

As our loved ones age, the comfort of familiar surroundings becomes increasingly important. There are several benefits; both physical and mental, that come with ageing at home which help to enhance the quality of life, and perhaps even its longevity.

Here at 3C, we are passionate about empowering our clients to reach their full potential through the right care, and we ourselves have seen the beautifully positive impact of active ageing at home. So let’s uncover the 6 main benefits of this:


1. Familiarity of the Environment

A person’s home is filled with personal memories and treasured belongings, and it plays a significant role in one’s day-to-day routine, deeming it essential not only for providing a sense of security and comfort, but also having a direct impact on an elderly person’s memory and emotional well-being.

Whether the client in question suffers with dementia or not, our goal is to support them by helping to maintain their sense of structure, and minimising any risk of spatial disorientation.


2. Reduced Stress

The stress associated with moving to a nursing home can be significant – between the move itself and having to adapt to a new environment, routine, people, and sudden loss of independence; this can have a major impact on one’s mental health which in turn can trigger a decline in their physical health too.

Staying at home will eliminate this emotional strain and keep them feeling happier and healthier for a longer period of time.


3. Social Connections & Independence

Home is so much more than the building you live in. Particularly in Malta where our elderly thrive on their community, social connections, and the comfort of their village; where they walk to their favourite grocery store and have a chat with the salesperson, watch the neighbouring families grow up, attend the village feast, perhaps go to church… These elements all contribute to a person’s wellbeing, removing them from this familiar environment will take it all away from them, negatively impacting their sense of belonging and leaving them feeling isolated and lonely.

There is also the aspect of independence : Many clients require some physical support but are still perfectly capable of doing things such as cooking, cleaning, and other daily tasks which give them a sense of control and independence, and in turn, self-confidence. 


4. Personalised Care

Through our community care services, we tailor our approach to the individual needs of each person. Whether the client needs help with medical assistance, personal hygiene, cooking, cleaning, pet care, grocery shopping, or indeed, companionship, and whether on a periodical, daily, or live-in care basis, we will provide whatever is required to aid their independence, self-esteem, and overall wellness.

Discover more about our elderly health care services here to see which tailored programme would work best for your loved one.


5. Improved Mental & Physical Health

Evidence shows that seniors who age at home are more likely to experience better overall health outcomes; both physically and mentally. They are less likely to suffer from depression, and more likely to engage in physical activity, contributing to improved health and longevity.

Our services include physiotherapy, post-operative rehabilitation, wound management, blood tests & parameter monitoring, nursing care, and much more – so aside from day-to-day care and assistance, we will ensure that your loved one is at their physical best.


6. Cost Effectivity

When looking into elderly care options, it is both natural and essential to also consider finances. Whilst there are many fantastic nursing homes in Malta, choosing Home Care is not only the most cost-efficient option by comparison, but clients can also benefit from the Carer at Home Scheme offered by the Active Ageing & Community Care Department.

Therefore, by choosing our Home Care services, your elderly loved one can receive comprehensive care without being financially burdened.

At 3C, we specialise in providing exceptional individualised home care for the elderly in Malta, and together with our incredible team of trained professionals, we guarantee peace of mind knowing that your dear ones are in capable and caring hands.

Let’s embrace the joys and benefits of ageing at home together and empower our seniors by surrounding them with the care and comfort they truly deserve!